Lemon Tart
6 ways to help you show writer's block the door
Alexa Tewkesbury 08 February 2023 19:20
Writing can be hard work and writers can become blocked for a host of reasons. Here are some ideas to help you find your flow again. -
How to write a riveting pitch letter to literary agents
Janey Burton 10 March 2022 12:00
Getting representation from a literary agent is essential for anyone who wants to be published by one of the big five publishers, but agents are busy people and there are many other writers trying to get their attention. How can you make your submission stand out? It should go without saying that the most important thing is the manuscript itself – you aren’t going to get representation unless the book itself is terrific, as well as being something -
Ideas are everywhere: where to start with writing your book
Alexa 10 March 2022 12:00
Are you writing a book? If you are and it’s fiction, it probably began with a story idea. Or a place. Or a character. Or even just a character name. But something will have kicked off your desire – your need – to write. However, it’s entirely possible to want to write without having a clue what to write about. You might be an avid reader. You might soak up hours of TV and theatre. You -
Why knowing your audience matters before you start writing your book - and how to find it
Alexa 07 January 2022 13:00
Writing a book isn’t just about the writing. Not if you’re writing because you want to be read. If you want people to read your words, you need to know your intended audience before making a start. Otherwise, you’ll be less able to target your writing appropriately, whether fiction or non-fiction. But in the initial excitement of a book idea landing in your brain and the rapid pulse of creativity it produces -
4 tips to help you get the writing habit
Alexa 27 September 2021 09:00
‘I have a really great idea for a book. And I really want to write it. But I really don’t know where to find the time …’ Sound familiar? My own voice is ringing in my ears. Time. It’s such a bugbear. There never seems to be enough of it. Certainly not for the things we want to do. It too easily gets eaten up by the things we have to do -
Why secrets of the heart matter when writing for children
Alexa 12 October 2018 13:10
I'll never forget the first time I read Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce. I was captivated. The idea of a clock striking thirteen in the middle of the night in an unfamiliar house was enthralling; the realisation that the thirteenth stroke meant Tom and his surroundings had slipped back in time, irresistible. 'Hurry! Hurry! the house seemed to whisper round him. The hour is passing... passing... 'Tom turned from the clock to feel for -
Forget the resolutions – 5 New Year practices for proofreaders and copy editors to help the working day go with a swing
Alexa 03 January 2018 12:40
I’m not a great one for a New Year’s resolution. If I do make one (or more), I usually end up letting myself down disappointingly quickly – 2 January, 3 January at the latest. And that does tend to take a bit of the freshness out the New Year’s clean, white page. So, for 2018, I thought I might scrap the word ‘resolution’ (which just seems to set me up for failure -
Review: Content Marketing Primer for Editors & Proofreaders by Louise Harnby
Alexa 07 July 2017 12:40
Louise Harnby always strikes me as the ultimate in generosity when it comes to handing out tips, advice and support on all things copy editing and proofreading. And it’s not only writers who benefit from her broad knowledge and experience. It’s editorial colleagues too, as she continues to develop a feast of goodies for those wanting to up their editorial game. Louise’s blog, The Proofreader’s Parlour, is a masterly curation of interesting -
A handy guide to copy editing and proofreading for stand-out writing
Alexa 15 May 2017 12:40
Are you a writer bursting with ideas, but just need that little confidence boost to show your work to the world? Or perhaps you create content but know you need a competent third eye to make sure it’s bang on the button? Or maybe it’s peace of mind you’re after – assurance that your website copy shows you and your business off to your best advantage? Professional proofreading and/or copy editing isn -
How comfortable are you?
Alexa 10 November 2016 12:40
Do you ever ask yourself that? How comfortable am I – really? The longer I live here (and I have lived here a long time) – in this house, in this village, in this county – the more “comfortable” I get. I don’t mean by way of plusher carpets (in any case, I prefer the painted floorboard look), or finally acquiring the king of snuggly sofas. I mean in my head. My head says: “I -
Carry on freelancing...
Alexa 27 October 2016 14:00
It's a tough one, isn't it? You've been working your socks off building your small business. You've read the right books and created a not unimpressive-looking business plan. You've done the training and are keeping up to date with your industry through CPD, not to mention marketing your services pretty efficiently (you feel). You've been on the up – busy with clients, really busy. Over-committed if truth be told, but, hey, give -
Special guest post: How do you know if you've got a novel in you?
Fiona Veitch Smith 17 October 2016 19:00
By FIONA VEITCH SMITH (pictured above), who has very kindly agreed to guest on my blog as part of her 2016 blog tour to celebrate the release of The Kill Fee, her second novel in the Poppy Denby Investigates series. That question ('How do you know if you've got a novel in you?'), along with ‘Where do you get your ideas?’ is probably the most asked question of any novelist. It usually -
All work and no play...
Alexa 28 September 2016 15:00
I know the concept is nothing new – do you live to work, or work to live? But as a small business owner providing a professional editorial service from the comfort of my own home and my own computer, I’ve discovered it’s all too easy to blur the margins – work/life, life/work, it’s all one, isn’t it? You see, it’s the deadlines. Whether you’re -
This proofreading life: 5 ups - 5 downs
Alexa 23 June 2016 10:44
As someone plagued with innate insecurities, reasonable and unreasonable anxieties, and not a lot of money in the pot to fall back on, becoming a freelance may seem an odd work choice. So, let me pull back slightly and give you the fuller picture: I don’t see it as a work choice – more of a lifestyle decision. Many years ago, when my two children were small and I was bringing them up singlehandedly, what I needed -
10 consistency checks to help smooth your copy
Alexa 16 June 2016 11:56
If you want your copy to stand up to scrutiny, it's more than the spelling, punctuation and grammar that need your attention. As vital as these aspects are, there's another area that must be picked through with all the precision of a five-star pedant: consistency. If your work is for traditional-route publication, it will be tinkered with to suit publisher house style, but it's important that your typescript is consistent in the first place -
The next level: hiring a freelance copy editor or proofreader
Alexa 04 May 2016 12:28
If you’re an author planning to self-publish (or indeed submit your writing to an agent or conventional publisher), the editorial work your book will require is a part of the process. To obtain quotes from freelance editorial service providers (and there are many of us out there), you might first approach a few with the word count of your book and the subject/genre. It’s helpful if you can also send (via email is fine -
5 ways a professional proofreader will help make your stand-out copy outstanding
Alexa 13 April 2016 10:33
When it's got to look good – when it needs to look just right (and, let's face it, when doesn't it?) – the best thing any writer can do is to sign up a professional proofreader. The proofreader's job is to make a thorough sweep of the writer's copy, picking up anything that needs correction. And proofreading isn't just a service for book authors. From corporate literature to blogs to websites, content is -
Language snob
Alexa 22 March 2016 11:57
I think I’ve turned into a language snob. I love language. I love its forms. I love the way we can use it not just to communicate the everyday; with language, we can create the fantastical. We can take each other to far flung places, real and imaginary. We can ignite passions and inspire dreams. With words, we can enable escape. Language that’s beautifully crafted, where words fit together in a seamless flow is -
Is it normal? #proofreaderslife
Alexa 04 March 2016 09:07
As a freelance editorial type, this is something I often ask myself. Is it normal, for instance, to wake up in the night and remember you need to double-check the use of a capital letter in the proofreading project you're currently working on? Is it normal to lie awake, wondering how on earth you're going to juggle all the editorial jobs you've said, 'Yes', 'Yes' and 'Yes' to, because to turn any of them down -
Inspiration and the proofreader
Alexa 23 February 2016 13:14
Inspiration has a way of batting its eyelids in the most unlikely of places. A boot print in mud, for example. Once you get beyond the obvious (that someone somewhere is walking around with one muddy boot), that lone print could be the springboard for creating a chilling crime novel. Much as a snail's trail, simply slimy in daylight (and let's hope the little blighter isn't heading for my lettuces), is silvered under a full moon -
Why proofreaders are worth their weight in ... books
Alexa 16 February 2016 12:19
When you think of a proofreader, what springs to mind? Is it: (a) a rather Dickensian-looking individual with glasses perched on nose, hunched over paper or screen whilst ferreting through copy in the eager anticipation of errors they can mark up with unrestrained glee? Or (b) a more laid-back approach, the reader sprawled on a sofa and lazily digesting the latest project to arrive in their inbox, along with a large box of Celebrations? Or   -
Tricky little things
Alexa 08 February 2016 08:17
How about a spot of debate? No, no, nothing heavy. I'm writing this late on a Friday afternoon and the heaviest thing I'm in the mood for is a large slice of warm chocolate fudge cake, topped with a melt-in-the-mouth dollop of vanilla-infused ice cream. So I'm not suggesting anything political, social or even vaguely spiritual. I'm talking ... wait for it ... adverbs. Yes, I know, but as you may or may -
Six tips for the home-worker
27 January 2016 11:45
I'm a home-worker and I love it. Although it actually came about through necessity. As a single parent of a young family of two, I needed a way to combine my role as a full-on mum-type person with keeping the roof over our heads. (I've since discovered that's the reason many of us start.) More than ten years on, and my children are fully grown. But I'm still a home-worker and -
Behind every author
Alexa 13 January 2016 10:02
Christmas recedes alarmingly quickly. Doesn't it? I mean, considering the weeks (more likely months) of preparation lavished upon it. The New Year is barely into its stride before we're forging ahead once more, with barely a backward glance. Tucked away in my wordy garret, I'm already seeing January unroll some interesting, wonderful and all-round unexpected projects - along with some rather exciting news. One of my books for children, Topz Gospels - Matthew, has been shortlisted -
Wood for the trees (or best pitch for all those on-line marketplaces ...)
Alexa 23 December 2015 15:00
I recently made my first foray into The Society for Editors and Proofreaders’ forum. Although I’ve been working as an editorial freelancer for ten years or more (in the midst of several other ventures), it’s only in the last few months that I’ve started to build on this aspect of my work properly. By ‘properly’, I mean developing a plan to create a viable, standalone business. I want to provide top -
Alexa 15 December 2015 16:00
I’m going to be completely honest here. I quite enjoy housework. (No, please stay with me – there is a point to this post …) It’s just as well, really, as we have a large, blond Labrador who drops copious amounts of hair, the odd dollop of mud and who-knows-what-else about the place, and it needs cleaning up with alarming regularity. All fine, if it wasn’t for the fact that -
Alexa 08 December 2015 14:54
I like a new beginning. For some months now, tucked away in my freelance garret, I've been increasingly aware of a certain haphazardness in my approach to my work; a 'make it up as you go along' mentality, which at times, when the work has flowed in, has been tremendously uplifting and exciting. I've eagerly grasped this, that and the other job - not all in the writing/editorial field, I also do a bit of acting on